VIMAR 01910 Thermostat: Instruction manual

The VIMAR 01910 Chronothermostat is a weekly thermostat that has carved out its niche in the market due to its extensive customization options. Although these features make it slightly more complex to program, its 6 temperature settings cater to every user’s needs. A noteworthy design choice is the inclusion of only two buttons to adjust the immediate temperature when the thermostat is fully closed.

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Avidsen 103953 Thermostat: Instruction manual

Avidsen manufactures this thermostat for residential applications at a very affordable price. The Avidsen 103953 Thermostat is among the easiest to use, suitable for people who frequently use the manual function. It perfectly complies with the metering regulations. However, it can also be used with the weekly program and manage the temperature day by day, weekdays, and holidays in time slots.

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