The water meter in a residence is an indispensable tool for the supplier company to account for water consumption for a user.

It is therefore a device used to measure the amount of water used in a house or a commercial activity. It is important for managing consumption and calculating water bills. The water meter can be of different types, such as mechanical, electronic, or ultrasonic, but they all work similarly, recording the water flow through the meter and displaying the amount of water used. Most water meters are owned by the water company and must be maintained and read periodically to ensure accurate water consumption billing.

The Mechanical Water Meter

A mechanical water meter works using a system of gears and cogwheels that measure the amount of water flowing through the meter. The meter is connected to the water pipe and has two inlet and outlet pipes to allow the water to flow through the meter.

Inside the water meter, a cogwheel rotates proportionally to the amount of water flowing through the pipe. Each time the cogwheel completes a rotation, the meter's gear advances by a certain amount, which is recorded on the meter's dial.

The meter's dial has a series of numbers that represent the amount of water used. The number read on the meter's dial indicates the amount of water in cubic meters used up to that point.

The mechanical water meter has a long lifespan and is easy to maintain. However, they can be subject to accuracy issues if not properly maintained or if damaged. Additionally, they can be prone to reading errors if the dial is not read correctly.

Can the Mechanical Water Meter Be Blocked?

Yes, the mechanical water meter can be blocked, and it can be caused by several factors.

For example, the mechanical water meter can be blocked due to the buildup of sediment, dirt, or limescale inside the meter. These deposits can slow down or even block the water flow through the meter.

Additionally, the mechanical water meter can be blocked due to mechanical issues, such as the breakage of the cogwheels, gears, or bearings of the meter.

If you suspect your mechanical water meter is blocked, it is important to contact a specialized technician from the water supply company to resolve the issue. The technician may need to disassemble the meter to remove the deposits or repair the damaged mechanical components. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the water meter to restore the water flow and ensure accurate consumption measurement.

The Electronic Water Meter

An electronic water meter works using a system of sensors and electronic circuits to measure the amount of water flowing through the meter. The meter is connected to the water pipe and has two inlet and outlet pipes to allow the water to flow through the meter.

Inside the electronic water meter, there are sensors that electronically detect the water flow and send the data to a microprocessor. The microprocessor then processes the data to calculate the amount of water that has been used.

Most electronic water meters also have a digital display that shows the amount of water used in real-time. Additionally, electronic water meters may have additional features, such as data storage for consumption, leak alarm logging, and the ability to automatically communicate consumption data to the water company.

Electronic water meters are generally more accurate than mechanical water meters, but they can be subject to technical issues, such as electronic failures or power problems. In case of problems with the electronic water meter, it is always advisable to contact a specialized technician for repair or replacement of the device.

Possible Failures of the Electronic Water Meter

The possible failures of an electronic water meter can be caused by several factors, such as power issues, sensor malfunctions, microprocessor failures, or circuit connection problems.

For example, the electronic water meter may not work correctly due to a power outage or a failure of the power system. In this case, the meter may not correctly record the water flow or may not work at all.

Additionally, the electronic water meter may present problems due to damaged or misaligned sensors. The sensors can be damaged due to sediment or limescale deposits inside the meter or due to physical impacts on the meter.

In some cases, the microprocessor of the electronic water meter may fail or function incorrectly, causing a malfunction of the meter. Additionally, circuit connection problems or electromagnetic interference can cause issues with the electronic water meter.

If you suspect your electronic water meter has a failure, it is important to contact a specialized technician for repair or replacement of the device. The technician will be able to identify the problem and propose an appropriate solution to restore the operation of the water meter.

Keeping Track of Water Consumption

The suggestion we give you to promote a criterion for drinking water consumption is to read the meter on two different dates. Use your smartphone to photograph the meter with all visible dials and write down the reading, date, and time on a sheet of paper.

Wait three or four days and photograph the meter again, then record the new reading on the paper.

The calculation is done by subtracting the second measurement from the first and dividing by the number of days.

You can then divide the resulting cubic meters by the number of days between the first and second readings.

Use this average daily consumption to multiply by the raw material price to know how much your current water bill consumption will cost.

Leak Detection

Leak detection in the pipes after the meter can be done by taking the current reading and repeating it after a couple of hours without consumption.

If the leak is extremely significant, we will see the decimal dials move at zero consumption (No withdrawals from the taps).